Reef Runner - 800 Series Reef Runner Deep Diver - Acme Tackle Company

800 Series Reef Runner Deep Diver

Algal Bloom Deep Diver
Baby Walleye Deep Diver
Barbie Deep Diver
Bare Naked Deep Diver
Bare Naked Clown Deep Diver
Bare Naked Blue Pike Deep Diver
Bare Naked Green Perch Deep Diver
Bare Naked Purple Perch Deep Diver
Beetlejuice Deep Diver
Bittersweet Deep Diver
Black Prism Deep Diver
Blue Hawaiian Deep Diver
Blue Moon Deep Diver
Blue Sparkle Flash Deep Diver
Blue Streak Deep Diver
Blueberry Muffin Deep Diver
Boy Girl Glow Deep Diver
Bubble Gum Deep Diver
Chartreuse Sparkle Flash Deep Diver
Chartreuse Wonderbread Deep Diver
Chartreuse Zebra Deep Diver
Cheap Sunglasses Deep Diver
Chrome Black Deep Diver
Chrome Blue Deep Diver
Chrome Frog Deep Diver
Chrome Joker Deep Diver
Chrome Wonderbread Deep Diver
Confetti Deep Diver
Cotton Candy Deep Diver
Cranberry Crusher Deep Diver
Crippler Deep Diver
Dalmation Deep Diver
Dirty Penny Deep Diver
Emerald Shiner Deep Diver
Erie Sunset Deep Diver
Eriedescent Deep Diver
Eriely Naked Deep Diver
Firetiger Deep Diver
Flame Deep Diver
Fried Chicken Deep Diver
Fro-Zone Deep Diver
Fruit Stripe Deep Diver
Gator Bait Deep Diver
Blue Wonderbread Deep Diver
Glowby Deep Diver
Gold Clown Deep Diver
Golden Shiner Deep Diver
Good-N-Plenty Deep Diver
Grape Ape Deep Diver
Gray Ghost Deep Diver
Green Flash Deep Diver
Green Giant Deep Diver
Green Hawaiian Deep Diver
Green Perch Deep Diver
Halloween II Deep Diver
Heat Stroke Deep Diver
Holstein Deep Diver
Hot Blooded Deep Diver
Hot Head Deep Diver
Hot Tamale Deep Diver
Hulk Deep Diver
Iron Head Deep Diver
Khaki Deep Diver
Lights Out Deep Diver
Lipstick Deep Diver
Lite Brite Deep Diver
Lucky Larry Deep Diver
Mack Daddy Deep Diver
Mardi Gras Deep Diver
Mooneye Minnow Deep Diver
Mr. Ugly Deep Diver
Naked Barbie Deep Diver
Naked Perch Deep Diver
Nauti Cat Dot Glow Deep Diver
Night Vision Deep Diver
Patriot Deep Diver
Pearl Ghost Deep Diver
Perch Deep Diver
Pink Lemonade Deep Diver
Pink Tide Deep Diver
Poison Oak Deep Diver
Purple Demon Deep Diver
Purple Nurple Deep Diver
Purple Sparkle Flash Deep Diver
Purple Sunfire Deep Diver
Purple Tiger Deep Diver
Rainbow Trout Deep Diver
Raspberry Dolphin Deep Diver
Red Hot Tiger Deep Diver
Reel Nasty Deep Diver
Rotten Banana Deep Diver
Sherbert Deep Diver
Toxic Purple Deep Diver
White Perch Deep Diver
Wild Thing Deep Diver
Wonderbread Deep Diver
Wonderbread Red Deep Diver
Wrek-N-Eyes Deep Diver
  • The 800 Series Reef Runner Deep Diver is a deep diving 4″ rattling minnow bait designed to dive quickly with a wobble gamefish can’t resist. It’s “kicking” action hunts down the big ones while the body creates a perfect image for even finicky fish.

    Body Length: 4 3/4″ Bill Length: 1 11/16″ Total Length:6 3/16″
    Weight: 5/8 oz. Max. Diving Depth: 28 ft’ Hook: # 4